MADD- Activist Project

MADD or mother(s) against drunk driving founded 1980, is an activist group which assists victims who were involved in crimes by people who were under the influence of alcohol or drugs while driving or to give families of victims the aid and support needed. They also help to increase public awareness of the problem with drinking and drugged driving.

I was first introduced to this activist project when i was in elementary school. A commercial was broadcasted on TV of a first person perspective drunk drive and a bunch of wine glasses being placed on the dashboard until the screen got blurrier, until he got into a car accident. This is sometimes the reality of what happens behind the wheel of a drunk or drugged driver. MADD took the initiative to make these real life situations publicly aware to the world, basically to express that this the reality of what drunk driving actions cause and that it should stop.

I personally have not been involved with with this activist group directly with the organization, but i live in a society of drunk and drugged drivers, and i do have friends and family who do drive as well. SO in a sense, i do have some political engagement to this cause because i'm a surrounded by it and will be a driver soon. I also had a uncle who was killed in ca car crash due to drunk driving about 11 years ago and its clearly something that i haven't forgotten. Drunk and drugged drving is a very serious issue within our society, and someone needs to put a stop to it. Although this serious cause probably will not stop, MADD has taken the initiative to confort, aide, assist and console the victims, families and friends of such atrocities.

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