Buy Nothing Day

Is this some sort of joke? Until today I've never heard of this "Buy Nothing Day" on the 25th of November. Apparently Buy Nothing Day is a day which challenges consumer to put of shopping for just one day. This day is esentially a day to help reduce over consumption. "20% of the world population are consuming over 80% of the Earth's natural resources causing a disproportionate level of environmental damage and unfair distribution of wealth"[1]. To be honest i could totally participate in this buy nothing day because truthfully i have no money to anything anyway. Realistically, this Buy Nothing Day seems effective to some extent but only to those who are conscious and aware of what the world will eventually coming to when it comes to over consumption. It seems like we buy things that arent essential to live (wants) instead of actually buying things that we need. We live in a society where keeping up with the latest fashion trends and technologies is very important. With kind of mentality, i believe that it will be utterly impossible to get at least 50% of the world to participate in this "Buy Nothing Day". Really, do you know what kind of world we live in today?
Work Cited

[1]"Buy Nothing Day: FAQ". 12 OCtober 2009. Web.

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