Big Mac Attack!- Culture Jamming

Culture Jamming is a tool or tactic used by activists to disrupt the mainstream corporations or cultural institutions. AdBusters a a 32,000 member strong online culture jamming website promotes culture jamming through creative and appealing advertisements.

This example of culture jamming was taken from the website which is a global network of culture jammers and creative activists who believe in working to change the flow of information, the way corporations wield its power and the way meaning is produced and understood in society. Now lets break down this advertisement. Its clear that there is someone being operated on in an operating room. clear enough? now looking too the right of the image a monitor showing the patients vitals can be see and in the middle of that vital reading is the Famous Mc Donalds Golden Arch, with the words Big Mac Attack at the bottom. With simple common sense and media literacy, my understanding of this straight forward example of culture jamming would be that the patient suffered a heart attack due to eating a Big Mac, one of Mc Donalds popular sandwiches. WIth that being said that can be translated into the fact that Mc Donalds is very unhealthy. But why would someone want to disrupt such a mainstream fast food corporation? Its pretty simple actually. I believe it is because Mc Donald' is the #1 fast food chain that causes health problems. I cant nor should anyone blame Mc Donalds solely for such unfortunate outcomes but we should also blame ourselves. We are the ones actually getting up and purchasing their food. was there a leash or a gun pointed to your head when you went to the front counter and asked for a #5 with a large coke? I don't think so. But, when you also think about it, with mc Donalds competitive prices and "great tasting food" why not? I probably wont die of a heat attack now. Wrong. Its a gradual Process that takes time. Remember the movie supersize me?

So i do commend these activists or culture jammers on a job well done of trying to educated society on the truth of what really lies behind these types of corporations. But on a brighter note, Mc Donalds is making their food much healthier. Or at least thats what their well paid PR agents are making people like me and you think. *Rolls Eyes*

Work Cited

"About Adbusters." Adbusters. 19 Nov 2009. Web.

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